Six Ways to Support Your Employees Mental Health & Performance

Working from home, health concerns, maintaining a balance between work and life, are all some of the many issues faced by both the employees and companies. Hence, mental health and productivity have been approached more seriously and cautiously by many companies. If you are a company, big or small, there are some ways you can protect the well-being of your employees as well. A good human resources consultancy can help you take the necessary precautions and aids to help your company have a productive,  healthy, and happy work environment.

Incorporate Flexible Work Hours

With many companies still working from home, many have lost the balance between work and life. You can take a step ahead and introduce flexible work hours for your employees. This enables your employees the liberty to work at their convenience while also enjoying their free time.

Introduce Mental Health Aid for Employees

If your employees are struggling with mental health, they might want to talk to someone for help. Talking to their managers might not be the most ideal solution. In this case, you can introduce mental health aid where you could appoint a member to assist your employees through their day and help them deal with their issues.

Review Workloads

Sometimes work pressure can be overwhelming for some employees. Most times employees work extra hours and that takes a toll on their productivity long-term. In such cases reviewing workload is important. This will help you know the kind of work pressure is built upon each employee. This will also help you make some relative adjustments.

Develop Wellness Action Plans

A wellness action plan improves the overall well-being of your employees. A wellness action plan is a contract that allows employees to get the support they need from the workplace. Reviewing these action plans from time to time is a great way to identify the issues and work on them effectively as a team.

Introduce Employee Assistance Programs

Employee assistant programs are beneficial as employees get the opportunity to speak up about their mental health issues. An EPA group enables employees to confide and seek help from a group that will help them.

Provide Training

When the productivity of your employees is going low, it is important to learn new skills and develop some tools to help them achieve their goals in time. You can organize some training programs for all employees and enable them to adapt to a few new skills.


These are the six ways your company can take to ensure that the work environment in the workplace is happy, productive, encouraging, and comforting. If it is a lot for your small business to take care of, you can hire the leading and reliable HR companies in UAE. They will take a few steps to ensure that your employees have a positive work environment to be productive and work in their capacity.

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